JSNA – Engagement

Help Us Prioritise!

Below are some informative videos discussing some key health and wellbeing topics faced by the population in the East Riding.

Please take a short time to watch them and then decide upon your top 5 priorities, which you can then tell us by following this link.


Video topics and timings (click to see which topics are included within the 5 videos and their timings, then click again to fold the list back up)


The exercise will ask you to consider the content of the videos by prioritising which you think are the 5 most important issues.  If you don’t agree with any of the topics shown in the videos then there will be an opportunity for you to suggest your own and we may potentially create a video of that topic to add to the current list.

Please watch all 5 videos in their entirety if you can.


Video 1
Video topic Further information
00:00 Teenage pregnancy Office for Health Improvement and Disparities – Teenage Pregnancy
01:36 Smoking and smoking in pregnancy Office for Health Improvement and Disparities – Tobacco Control
02:33 Women’s reproductive health Office for Health Improvement and Disparities – Sexual and Reproductive Health
04:08 Childrens and young peoples mental health Office for Health Improvement and Disparities – Mental Health
05:20 Healthy schools GOV.UK Education, schooling and health summary
06:19 Childhood obesity Office for Health Improvement and Disparities – Obesity
Video 2
Video topic Further information
00:00 Vaccination Office for Health Improvement and Disparities – Vaccinations
00:52 Young people’s substance misuse
01:59 Green spaces
02:34 Healthy food
03:20 Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) Office for Health Improvement and Disparities – Sexual and Reproductive Health
Video 3
Video topic Further information
00:00 Inclusion health
01:01 Screening Office for Health Improvement and Disparities – Cancer Services
01:41 Housing and homes Office for Health Improvement and Disparities – Housing
02:24 Debt and welfare advice East Riding Health and Wellbeing Directory
03:23 Digital inclusion
Video 4
Video topic Further information
00:00 Active travel
00:50 Adult obesity and physical activity Office for Health Improvement and Disparities – Obesity
01:46 Healthy workforce GOV.UK – Workplace health: applying All Our Health
02:50 Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions Office for Health Improvement and Disparities – MSK
03:56 Long Covid Office for Health Improvement and Disparities – Wider impacts of Long COVID
Video 5
Video topic Further information
00:00 Accessibility mental health support Office for Health Improvement and Disparities – Mental Health
01:11 Suicide prevention and training Office for Health Improvement and Disparities – Suicide Prevention
02:20 Social prescribing Kings Fund – What is social prescribing?
03:12 Health protection Office for Health Improvement and Disparities – Health Protection
03:56 Management of infectious diseases Office for Health Improvement and Disparities – Health Protection
04:49 Social isolation and loneliness East Riding Health and Wellbeing Directory
05:50 Dementia East Riding JSNA website – Dementia
07:01 Serious incident surveillance Office for Health Improvement and Disparities – Suicide and Self Harm


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If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Public Health Intelligence PHintelligence@eastriding.gov.uk

Our New Approach

  • Presently the coronavirus pandemic has caused, and is continuing to cause, significant direct and indirect impacts to the population’s health and wellbeing.
  • We would like to gain insight into what health and care system partners feel are the priorities for health and wellbeing issues in the East Riding.
  • This is your chance to choose the issues that are important to you.
  • Results will be presented to the East Riding Health and Wellbeing Board, directly influencing the health and wellbeing strategy and programme of activities.

Part of the new approach to the JSNA process is to have dynamic engagement reacting to the changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has caused (and is continuing to cause) significant direct and indirect impacts to the population’s health and wellbeing.  The ongoing dialogue and feedback will be captured and structured around the ‘Conditions of Living model’ shown below, in the next section. This content will provide ongoing feedback to the East Riding Health and Wellbeing board and subsequently wider health and care system partners.

Part of this dynamic engagement is for individuals to share their knowledge about what they feel are the health and wellbeing priorities in the East Riding, via an online prioritisation exercise.  By contributing to this process, you are helping us to understand the population’s current and future health and wellbeing needs.  Further details about participating in the exercise are provided towards the bottom of this page.

Conditions of living – what influences healthy outcomes for our population?

  • The conditions of living model on the right, maps the relationship between the individual, their environment and health; demonstrating that health and wellbeing is influenced much more than access to health and wellbeing services.
  • Individuals are placed at the centre and surrounding them are the various layers of influences on health – such as individual lifestyle factors, community influences, living and working conditions, and more general social conditions.
  • Medical care is estimated to account for only 10-20% of the modifiable contributors to healthy outcomes for a population, the rest is related to conditions of living.  These conditions of living are highlighted within the model, which are influenced by councils, NHS and partners.
  • If as a system we can improve these aspects, then we give people the protective factors to live longer and healthier lives and we remove the risk factors that create the burden of illness and disease.

(Click the image to make it larger)



Useful Links

Health and Wellbeing Board (eastriding.gov.uk)