Needs Assessments and intelligence documents
This page provides a number of intelligence documents and needs assessments produced by East Riding of Yorkshire Council, in recent years. Click on the report pictures to download each document.
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National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) 2021/2022 Intelligence Support Document update
January 2023, produced by the Public Health Intelligence Team The National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) measures the height and weight of children in reception class (aged 4 to 5 years) and year 6 (aged 10 to 11 years) to assess overweight and obesity levels in children within primary schools. It was initially established in 2006/07 and this document aims to provide a summary update of the NCMP results for the school year 2021/22. It primarily focusses on the prevalence of obesity within the East Riding and also the prevalence of underweight children. |
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October 2022, produced by the Public Health team alongside partner organisations |
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ERY Place Documents
October & November 2021, produced by the Business Intelligence and Public Health Intelligence Teams |
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Integrated Specialist Public Health Nursing Service (ISPHNS) Intelligence Support Document
November 2021, produced by the Public Health Intelligence Team This document examines the health and wellbeing of children and young people in the East Riding of Yorkshire to consider the needs of the population. The document considers how childhood and adolescence can influence future health before considering the different aspects of health at each stage of childhood. The document also reviews current services offered in the ERY to consider how service users perceive the ISPHNS offer and what is needed from this service in the future. This document will support the commissioning of the local ISPHNS to maximise the service delivered to the ERY population and maximise future health. |
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East Riding Debt Needs Assessment Update
Spring 2021, produced by the Corporate Strategy, Policy, Performance and Risk Management Team In 2016 the Council and its partners undertook a debt needs assessment to better understand our residents’ needs and to inform strategy development and service delivery. The council funds various advice and support services to help people address their debt related issues, both through internally provided services and some which are externally commissioned. This refresh of the Needs Assessment comes at a particularly challenging time, where more of our residents than ever before are likely to be experiencing debt issues, perhaps for the first time, as a result of the social and economic impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. |
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National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) 2018/19 Intelligence Support Document update
October 2020, produced by the Public Health Intelligence Team The National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) measures the height and weight of children in reception class (aged 4 to 5 years) and year 6 (aged 10 to 11 years) to assess overweight and obesity levels in children within primary schools. It was initially established in 2006/07 and this document aims to provide a summary update of the NCMP results for the school year 2018/19. It primarily focuses on the prevalence of obesity within the East Riding and also the prevalence of underweight children. |
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Mental Health and Dementia Needs Assessment
February 2020, produced by the Public Health Intelligence Team Mental health for each individual is different and is affected by individual factors and experiences, social interaction, social structures and resources, in addition to cultural values. An individual’s mental health is influenced throughout the life course and events throughout life can impact each individual differently. Mental health conditions affect more than 25% of people at any time and no other health condition matches this in terms of prevalence, persistence and breadth of impact. Mental health is a public health issue and reducing the prevalence of mental health conditions is one of public health’s most major challenges. |
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Sexual Health in the East Riding: Intelligence Support Document
November 2019, produced by the Public Health Intelligence Team Sexual ill health and wellbeing is strongly linked to deprivation and health inequality. It presents a significant cost to the public purse as well as to the individual, with consequences including episodes of discomfort, long-term disability, emotional feelings of regret and possible discrimination. In order to improve sexual health, we need an understanding of the sexual health needs of the local population within the East Riding of Yorkshire (ERY). Data from this rapid needs assessment will be used to inform commissioning and service design) and forms part of the overall East Riding of Yorkshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) process. |
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Children and Young People aged 0-25 years with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in the East Riding of Yorkshire
September 2019, produced by the Children, Families and Schools Performance Team This performance report presents information available on children and young people (CYP) with Special Education Need and/or Disabilities (SEND) in the East Riding of Yorkshire (ER). This SEND performance report will be used to monitor progress against outcomes and priorities within the strategy and SEF and will also support service planning and delivery. |
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Vulnerable Children and Young People in the East Riding Intelligence Support Document
August 2019, produced by the Public Health Intelligence Team The purpose of this document is to provide a high level overview of a selection of indicators relating to vulnerable children and young people. The document will seek to identify areas of need relating to the East Riding population and any notable trends, as such it will hopefully assist commissioners in service planning and highlighting areas that might require further investigation. |
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Oral Health and Epidemiology Intelligence Support Document
July 2019, produced by the Public Health Intelligence Team Oral health is an important component of health which is often overlooked and can have profound effects on the general wellbeing and quality of life of individuals. Dental and gum diseases are predominantly preventable through good self-care and efficient dental services. With tooth decay as the most common oral disease affecting children and young people in England, it is important to educate and promote good oral health to children from a young age. In order to improve oral health we need to have an understanding of the oral health needs of the local population in ERY. Data from this rapid needs assessment will inform commissioning of children and young people’s oral health services and forms part of the overall East Riding Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) process. |
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East Riding of Yorkshire Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Strategic Needs Assessment
May 2019, produced by the Policy, Partnerships & Intelligence Team This document is part of an ongoing process of strategic needs assessment within the East Riding of Yorkshire Council and sets out to investigate what is known about the specific needs of LGBT people in the East Riding of Yorkshire. This needs assessment is arriving at a key time for LGBT rights in the UK and aims to identify: any specific needs of the local LGBT residents (recognising that needs may vary within sub groups); the existing services provided to meet key issues and needs; if there are any gaps in current service provision for unmet needs. The report will help to inform future strategy development, service provision and commissioning, as appropriate, in the East Riding of Yorkshire and will also be of use to researchers, as well as, the East Riding LGBT population themselves. |
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Children and Young People in the East Riding of Yorkshire: Substance Use (Alcohol and Drugs)
December 2018, produced by the Public Health Intelligence Team This document aims to examine the current use of alcohol and drugs in children and young people in East Riding of Yorkshire (ERY), understand the impact of parental substance misuse in this population and to identify the local challenges and issues for the decision making and commissioning of services. |
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Musculoskeletal (MSK) Health Needs Assessment Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
November 2018, produced by the Public Health Intelligence Team One in five people see their general practitioner about musculoskeletal (MSK) problems each year, second only to respiratory problems and up to 30% of general practice consultations are for musculoskeletal Problems. The term ‘musculoskeletal conditions’ comprise over 100 MSK conditions and syndromes interfere with people’s abilities to carry out their normal daily activities. Recommendations have been considered throughout this health needs assessment on MSK health in the East Riding. |
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Unpaid Carers Needs Assessment
January 2018, produced by the Public Health Intelligence Team The unpaid carers needs assessment is the outcome of an in depth process designed to develop comprehensive understanding of unpaid care in the East Riding of Yorkshire (ERY) in order to draw conclusions and make appropriate recommendations to inform the development of the Carers Strategy for the East Riding. The needs assessment primarily focusses on adult carers, but does make reference to young carers as well. Other files related to this work can be found at |
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2017 ERY Teenage Pregnancy information document
November 2017, produced by Public Health Intelligence Team This document has been produced in advance of the November 2017 ‘Teenage Pregnancy Summit’, organised by East Riding of Yorkshire (ERY) Public Health team. By providing a summary of quantitative information about teenage conceptions, abortion and births, the document aims to inform readers of the key facts and aide discussion amongst stake holders at the event. |
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East Riding Military Needs Assessment 2017
Spring 2017, produced by the Policy, Partnerships & Intelligence Team The council has a strong tradition of supporting the local military community and the signing of the Community Covenant in July 2012 allowed organisations, including the council to formally show their support. The Community Covenant aims to ensure that the military community, including current and ex-service personnel and their families face no disadvantage when engaging in civilian life. |
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Ageing Well Intelligence document
May 2017, produced by the Public Health Intelligence Team The aim is to provide key points to inform recommendations, target interventions and potential commissioning decisions. The World Health Organisation (WHO) states that most countries in the developed world agree the definition of an older person as 65 years and over. Most of the supporting information summarised here uses this age range, however some sources are slightly younger or older (60+ or 75+). Comparisons with East Riding can be made against England Averages and with “nearest neighbours” – local authority and CCG areas that allow comparisons in terms of social and economic features to facilitate statistical comparisons. Other files related to this work can be found at |