What is the JSNA?
A Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is a means by which Health and Wellbeing Boards will describe the future health and wellbeing needs of local populations and the strategic direction of service delivery to meet these needs. The JSNA is “a process” and a compilation of individual needs assessments which fall under priority areas chosen by key stakeholders and is not one whole document.
The JSNA informs the Health and Wellbeing Strategy (2019-22) which provides East Riding residents and organisations with a picture of what the Health and Wellbeing Board, through its members and wider partners, will need to deliver over the next 5 years and how we will work together to achieve by using the evidence from JSNA. Statutory guidance about JSNA can be accessed here.
The East Riding approach to JSNA
The East Riding approach to JSNA is not about providing pages of indicators and data tables detailing the “A to Z of health and wellbeing”; this is often readily provided elsewhere. Instead, needs assessments and intelligence support documents are primarily used to communicate JSNA within the East Riding. The subject of these reports are based on the priorities decided by partners at events such as the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy & Asset/Place based JSNA development day (see next section), requests from the Health and Wellbeing Board or are part of the intelligence that supports the commissioning cycle of East Riding commissioned services. The JSNA should also not just be limited to contributions by the Public Health team, all teams and partners are encouraged to actively take part.
The aforementioned needs assessments and intelligence support documents can be found on the main intelligence and support documents page and also within other pages of the JSNA website. For those wishing to access health and wellbeing indicators we have included links throughout the site to the Public Health England (PHE) Fingertips websites, from which information can easily be extracted.
How we prioritise JSNA
The Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy & Asset/Place based Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) development day was held on 17th October 2018 at Bridlington Spa. A total of 63 delegates from 13 different organisations such as General Practice (GP), Clinical commissioning Groups (CCGs), Voluntary Community Sector (VCS), Department of Work and Pensions (DWP), Public Health England (PHE), Humber NHS FT, City Health Care Partnership (CHCP), and East Riding of Yorkshire Council (ERYC) attended the event.
The format of the event was a series of workshops:
- Workshop 1 & 2 aimed to prioritise some of the key health and wellbeing issues in the East Riding. There were 12 key health and wellbeing issues presented to each table, followed by a discussion with the aim of identifying the top 6 priorities. Table level priorities were agreed and at the same time each delegate was given an opportunity to highlight their own priorities.
- Workshop 3 aimed to to help delegates understand the steps partner organisations take to support “Prevention and Resilience across the System”.
Each delegate was also given a template to highlight what steps they thought they could take to tackle the key health and wellbeing issues. The template required them to focus on:
- Prevention (Primary, Secondary and tertiary) and
- Resilience (Individual and Community)
The East Riding was recognised in the 2020 Public Health England document “Best practice and opportunities for innovation in local Joint Strategic Needs Assessments” for our approach on consulting stakeholders about priorities. Please refer to page 23 of the document below.
JSNA – best practice and opportunities (PHE, 2020).pdf