JSNA Profiles
Patterns and trends in child obesity in East Riding of Yorkshire (PHE, 2021)
The data in this slide pack is from the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP). The NCMP is an annual programme that measures the height and weight of children in Reception (aged 4 to 5 years) and Year 6 (aged 10 to 11 years) in England. |
Reducing unintentional injuries in and around the home among children under five years (PHE, 2018)
This publication explains the scale and nature of the problem of unintentional injuries in and around the home. It looks at how often children die, what this means in terms of rates of deaths and injuries and the impact of deprivation. It covers the costs to families and health and social care services and presents the priorities for action. The publication goes on to describe the ways that local authorities and their partners can achieve change, building on what they do currently. |
Reducing unintentional injuries on the roads among children and young people under 25 years (PHE, 2018)
This report begins with general information about the benefits for children, young people, families and local services of reducing accidents on the roads. The report then provides an overview of relevant local data which can be used to prioritise activity to reduce injuries, as well as giving further detail on road safety opportunities and the economic case for prevention. |
Health inequalities slides for East Riding of Yorkshire (PHE, 2020)
The purpose of this slide set is to demonstrate inequalities in important high-burden diseases and also includes a number of Local Health indicators where there is a particularly strong statistical linear relationship with deprivation. |
Health inequalities slides for Humber Coast and Vale STP (PHE, 2020)
East Riding of Yorkshire health protection profile (PHE, 2020)
The Health Protection Profile covers a range of health protection issues, with information on various infections, but also interventions to reduce infection such as immunisation. This profile has unique content, such as gastrointestinal infections, Measles, Mumps, Pertussis, Legionella, Typhoid/Paratyphoid, Acute Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C detection, Scarlet fever. |
East Riding of Yorkshire area data profile: Older people's pathway (Care Quality Commission, 2019)
This profile focusses on the care pathway for people aged 65 or over living in the East Riding and it brings together data to give an indication of how different services work together. |
Health profile for Yorkshire and the Humber (PHE, 2020)
A 2019 summary health profile for the Yorkshire and Humber area, created by PHE in 2020. |
Summary profile of local authority sexual health for the East Riding (PHE, 2019)
This report describes sexual and reproductive health in the East Riding area in an integrated way, including sexually transmitted infections (STIs), HIV, teenage conceptions, abortions and contraception. |