MPS – Contacts Page

Feedback from our current providers stated that they would like to have a single place which holds all of the up-to-date contact information for teams they regularly interact with.

Safeguarding Team

The East Riding Safeguarding team are people dedicated to keeping adults safe, which means protecting their right to live safely, free from abuse, harm or neglect. The Safeguarding Adults Team is responsible for responding to any day to day  concerns raised by the public, or care professionals, about the safety and well-being of a vulnerable adult  in the East Riding.

If you become aware of, or suspect that an adult is being abused or neglected you must tell someone.

If you would like to report a safeguarding concern, please contact us as follows:

During normal working hours (Monday to Friday, 8.30am – 5pm):

If you need to talk to someone urgently outside of normal working hours, you can:

Please note: the information you provide will remain confidential. It will only be shared with the parties investigating the report. You have the right to remain anonymous.

Systems & Payments

For the majority of care homes, we pay using a payment form process so no invoices are required or accepted.

Please follow the payment form guidelines below:

For providers of domiciliary care please follow the guidelines below:

Providers of care home, domiciliary and day care/opportunities are paid in payment periods, which are detailed below:

Assessments & Payments

The Assessments & Payments team manages payments and charges for residential, home care and childcare in the East Riding of Yorkshire.

This includes managing payments to providers for the correct levels of care provided, assessing the level of financial contribution that a client must pay towards their care, and billing clients for their contribution.

The team can be contacted by telephone on:

Or via email on:



The Commissioning team are committed to ensuring that our commissioning is person centred and outcome focused, that it is well led, taking an evidence based whole system approach and that it promotes a sustainable and diverse market. We are increasingly moving towards co-production methodologies to make the most of the expertise within our providers. Our commissioning principles ensure that our engagement and relationships with providers is consistent and meets with the requirements of the legislation and regulations.

We always want to engage with our marketplace so if you are a current or prospective provider of adult social care, we would love to work with you.

The team can be contacted either by phone or email.



Health & Care Procurement Services

Health & Care procurement services team provide a support service to fulfil commissioning requirements across Adult Social Care, Children Families & Schools & Public Health Services in line with the council’s Constitution &Contract Procedure Rules & Public Contracts Regulations.

Due to the complexity & range of queries we receive we only deal with queries via email.


The role of the Brokerage Team is to support the identifying, sourcing and contracting of adults domiciliary care packages and residential placements to best meet the needs of the individual.

The domiciliary care package identified, or the residential placement found is tailored to the individuals care and support plan, looking at strength-based needs and ensures people are living independently for as long as possible.

The team works closely with external domiciliary providers and care homes, alongside external partners as well as a variety of teams within the authority.

The team can be contacted by email or phone.


Residential Queries:

Domiciliary Queries:

Adult Social Care Leader Training

The Social Care Academy is operated by the East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s Learning and Skills (Social Care) Team.  We are dedicated in offering and providing quality learning experiences and resources, which enable the Adult Social Care workforce (both Council and Care Sector Providers) to learn, develop and grow.

Please contact us if you have:
  • A question or query about our services.
  • Wish to discuss a course or event booking that has been submitted using the eBooking form.   (Please note, we do not accept bookings over the telephone).
  • You have ideas or suggestions on course or event topics you would like to see available.




Choose Care, Change Lives

The ‘Choose Care, Change Lives’ campaign aims to inform, educate and inspire people in the East Riding to consider working in the care sector, through hearing from those who do the role. By providing honest information and testimonials from those already in the industry, we hope to help people make an informed decision as to whether a career in care is right for them.

Here in East Riding of Yorkshire Council we work in partnership with our providers. As an initiative supported by the Council, we are working hard with providers to develop solid recruitment and retention strategies that will develop the very best people and build a diverse and talented workforce.

When you join the care sector, we want you to have confidence in our recruitment and learning and development opportunities. The East Riding of Yorkshire Council is committed to equal opportunities and encouraging, understanding and celebrating the differences in our workforce.   We want to acknowledge the contribution of all our workforce and value your ideas and the different perspectives you bring. We want you to experience and feel that your work is valued by the whole social care sector.



Contract & Quality Assurance

The Contract & Quality Assurance Team promotes quality care provision across the independent adult social care sector, monitoring standards and seeking assurance that commissioned services are delivered to the agreed quality standards.

Support is provided to embed best practice, to maintain and improve CQC ratings, and work collaboratively to broker solutions and progress improvement journeys.

Providers can request support and advice from the team by contacting them via email:


This email address is monitored Monday-Friday during office hours.


The Digital Records Enabling and Management Support (DREaMS) team support and assess the digital maturity of care providers across the Humber and North Yorkshire Care Partnership.

In addition to the Digital Maturity the team offer a signposting and advice service to all providers to link in with additional support and health colleagues. Funding available within the ICP for technology/solutions is supported by the team so as to ensure the right care provider gets funding at the right time and is ready for the next steps. 

The team works closely with providers, health colleagues and other local authorities across Humber and North Yorkshire.



Local Care Directory

Our client focused website, Your Life Your Way, contains a search function for all care services available within the East Riding.